
« Baur, Ferdinand Christian, and the Later Tübingen School Baur, Gustav Adolf Ludwig Bauslin, David Henry »

Baur, Gustav Adolf Ludwig

BAUR, GUSTAV ADOLF LUDWIG: Lutheran; b. at Hammelbach (17 m. n.e. of Heidelberg), in the Odenwald, June 14, 1816; d. at Leipsic May 22, 1889. He studied at Giessen, where he became docent in 1841, professor extraordinary, 1847, ordinary, 1849; he became pastor at Hamburg, 1861, and professor of practical theology at Leipsic, 1870. He was a member of the commission for revising Luther's translation of the Bible. Besides numerous sermons he issued Erklärung des Propheten Amos (Giessen, 1847); Grundzüge der Homiletik (1848); Geschichte der alttestamentlichen Weissagung (first part, 1861); Boëtius und Dante (Leipsic, 1874); Grundzüge der Erziehungslehre (4th ed., Giessen, 1887); he wrote the greater part of the first volume of Schmid's Geschichte der Erziehung (Stuttgart, 1884), and Die christliche Erziehung in ihrem Verhältnisse zum Judenthum und zur antiken Welt (2 vols., 1892).

Bibliography: G. A. Baur, Trauerfeier bei dem Begräbniss G. A. L. Baurs, Leipsic, 1889.

« Baur, Ferdinand Christian, and the Later Tübingen School Baur, Gustav Adolf Ludwig Bauslin, David Henry »
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